Why temperature matters on reed's performance

Radical changes on temperature are a big problem when it comes to maintaining the life of our reeds. Much is said about the relative humidity on the air when taking care of reeds but very little is said about how temperature matters. Specially above 28 degrees Celsius.


After several analyses in our laboratory, as well as consulting with specialists and musicians at various latitudes, we come to the conclusion that using reeds in an environment with a temperature above 28 degrees Celsius can affect significantly sound emission, producing at the same time, serious problems with high register intonation.


For this reason, we advise those who are based in geographical areas of hot temperatures, to keep their reeds in the fridge during the summer months, as this will prolong their reed's useful life.


Last but not least, playing a reed under direct sun exposure will considerably affect your performance since sun will heat first your body and saliva continuing with mouthpiece and reed.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.




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